Our team recently installed a number of sliding sash windows to this property.
The most popular style of double glazed windows are known as casement windows. These are the standard style of window that has a hinged sash that opens outwards. (A sash is the part of a window that is separate to the frame, the sash is normally the bit that moves to open).
Sliding sash windows are less common and tend to be limited to certain properties, normally the whole street will have sliding sashes.
These windows normally arrive glazed from the manufacturer and are greeted with apprehension by our fitters because they are a great deal heavier and more tricky to install.
The difference that a double glazed, UPVC sliding sash makes, if it replaces older wooden ones is so very significant. Older sashes tend to be draughty and with large areas of single pane glass – draught free and double glazed changes a room completely.